Thursday, December 31, 2015

Liese Within the Hellish Slimy Prison: Appetizer COMPLETE and Future Plans!

TADA! Delicious Oppai's first MAJOR release! And before 2015 ended too (at least for my region). Sorry for taking over a year to complete this work, but I hope the wait was worth it for some of you. Hopefully I caught every translation/grammatical mistake for this final release. If you happen to spot something SUPER, SUPER bad, please let me know so I can update things. I probably won't do a re-release for minor mistakes, but I want the feedback for future preventions. Muscle memory when typing can be a huge bitch and that's usually the source for a lot of my errors.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Liese Within the Hellish Slimy Prison: Appetizer 50% Complete!

Almost done guys! With the holiday festivities abound and my obligations thereof, I wanted to release something in case I don’t make my self designated deadline of 31-Dec-2015. Rest assured that I should be able to complete the translation before then, but you know how life can be.This current release is about 50%, though the actual translation progress is around 90%. There’s still a bit of refinement I want to do for the second half and will continue to keep it behind closed doors until I’m happy with my work. Until then, please enjoy Part 2 of the story.

Oh, in case you didn’t know, I’ve updated the “About” page. My email is now listed if wanted to provide feedback via that way.


**Updated Links Here**

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Mini: Dark Elf's Ass by Usagi Nagomu

DON'T MIND IF I DO! I swear, Usagi Nagomu-sensei draws some of the best curvaceous girls out there. It's one thing to have a girl with a large rack and a round ass, but very few can convey "weight" and "volume" on a 2D character as well as this artist. By all means, dig in!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Mini: Trap in the Back Alley by Yapo

IT'S A TRAP! Not a niche I'm personally fond of, but this artist is fucking amazing. A shame he doesn't do full comics (that I'm aware of), but on the flip side, it'll give me ample mini translations in the future. This is one of his latest posting on his twitter and pixiv account. Oh, a bit of trivia for you as mentioned in a comment on Yapo's pixiv. Pocky, (ポッキー) sounds very similar to bokki (勃起) which means erection. I'll let your mind run with that.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Goods: Chiaki, Best Girl!

Before you get too excited, no, this is not a translation release. And no, I'm not contributing to an ongoing translation. I'm merely proclaiming my love for all that is Chiaki! For those who are not in the know, this is a character who appears in the H-Manga Seikatsu Shuukan created by the talented Michiking. I recently got a hold of a physical copy and much to my pleasant surprise, the special 8 page booklet featured her and ONLY HER! As of this posting, the digital version only can be found online. The copy I procured comes from Toranoana which includes this special short story as bonus add-on. I went the extra mile and got the limited edition poster too!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Sometimes you Have to Take the Initiative

I’m still around. I swear I’m making progress on the Rindou novel and not procrastibating or spending copious hours of the day playing MHX, or slaving away in the Bloodborne DLC just to have *spoilers* Lady Maria perform her visceral attack on me over and over again!

In the meantime, enjoy this very short full-colored comic by Tokita Arumi. It was something I worked on way back and sort of forgotten about. There were a series of one-shots by the same artist that I had intended to work on, but didn’t get very far either with the script or editing. At least you can have a short splurt with this. It’s a shame the artist went mainstream after a few ero works, but alas, an artist needs to eat. Enjoy!


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Figure Snapshot: Full Metal Daemon: Muramasa Test

Originally, I wanted this blog to be focused on figure photography, but for one reason or another I never posted anything since registering with blogspot over a year ago. I've always had an interest in learning how to do product style photography, which is quite different from my usual hobby of street/photo journalism. Here, I was testing out a DIY light box/diffuser setup. Overall, not too bad for a rushed job. I don't plan to do figure reviews or anything, but I'll occasionally post snapshots of my ladies to share. I hope you don't mind the non-translations posts.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Mini: Pin-Up by Napata

Original post can be found here. I'm moving some of my things over to this blog.

Saw this in one of Wani's anthologies and decided to try stitching the image together. Turned out better than I expected. Yay!

Mini: Risa Aoyanagi by Butcha-U

Original post can be found here. I'm moving some of my things over to this blog.

I love Butcha-U (Eroquis), I love Psycho-Pass, and I love Risa Aoyanagi. Combine the three and you get this fantastic image below. For those who have been keeping up with season 2, you guys will understand why I'm paying tribute to this sexy vixen. DO ME NEXT AOYANAGI! MY COEFFICIENT IS WELL OVER 300!

First Rindou Novel in Progress... Again!

Hello and welcome to my domain! For those who don't know me, I am a former translator for Secondhandscans, and have now opted to venture on my own in this vast interweb. My reason for striking out on my own? Well, the story isn't all that exciting, but I haven't been able to get into contact with my buddy, somebodyelse (owner of secondhandscans) for some time now, and since I don't have the master key to the kingdom over there, I opted to repurpose an unused blog of mine for any feedback of my amateurish work.

The translations that I'll be doing mostly will be novel oriented since I don't have the time, nor the skills to really edit images as well as my other peers. Much to my surprise when I started over a year ago, there seems to be a demand for wall of texts, so here I am.

The current translation, Liese Within the Hellish Slimy Prison: Appetizer, is about 25% done. I started this work a little less than a year ago! So why so little progress? To make along story short, I lost my original translation file when I was 50% done in early 2015. Happened around the time I sort of disappeared while under secondhandscans. Life and lost of motivation delayed my contribution, and it wasn't until last month that I decided to start over again. Fear not, given the pace I'm going I plan on completing the book by Dec 2015. Wording is always my bottle neck when translating, but since I know how I want things phrased for 50% of the book already, the translation process won't be as slow as before.

Since we live in an age of tablet and smartphones, I have included epub and PDF versions of my transations. Of course, you can also check out the gallery linked below as well. Enjoy! Also, I'm still trying to figure out how I want this blog to look. Please excuse the mess.


**Updated Links Here**